As I was reading today's articles on historical findings on Ancient Origins, I came across a short paper that caught my eye—based on a burial excavation on the area of interest for 35 years or so now. Finally, something has been discovered says the excavators.

Above, the area where the remains of a 2,800 year old furnace and children were found
As Ancient Origins states, "The ancient city of Kelenderis on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey is the site of the Greek Celenderis, a port and fortress in ancient Cilicia and later Isauria. From here, a furnace for commercial production and a child’s grave with glass bracelets have been located, adding to the rich findings of this locality. Along with this, gifts have also been found inside in this grave, a first of its kind discovery, from the port city established 2,800 years ago, reports Hurriyet Daily News . Excavations that have been going on for 35 years, since 1987, have borne more fruit in this southern Turkish province site, located next to a fisherman’s shelter."
A photo from Arkeonews is below:

Near the photo above is where the children's bodies were found.
Assoc. Dr. Mahmut Aydın said, “We have previously uncovered nearly 150 tombs here, but none of them had burial gifts. In this one, we uncovered four glass bracelets, an inscription on a ceramic piece, and a cup. This was a first. At the same time, there were several baby graves around this child’s grave. We understand from here that a part of the Odeon was used as a children’s burial area. When the carbon 14 analysis results come, we will be able to identify them more clearly. But we believe that this area was used as a burial area in the Middle Ages. As it is different from other burials, we will only be able to determine exactly when the child died with carbon 14 analysis.”.
Remains of the child are found below:
The child was buried with four massive glass bracelets on his arm, along with funeral gifts, clothes and a wooden coffin.

"According to archaeologists, this area was used as a burial place in the Middle Ages. Because it is different from other burials, scientists can only determine exactly when the child died with the help of carbon dating," says