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Writer's pictureEmily

The Nazi Bible

The best known and most popular Nazi text ever published, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), highlights the great importance of propaganda in shaping public opinion, emphasizing simplicity and emotional appeal for mass effectiveness. Mein Kampf promoted a list of things, involving the very factors Nazism relayed itself to: vehement anti-Semitic sentiment, a racist world-view, and the aggressive policies towards a living space in eastern Europe.

Hitler's Mein Kampf was created with the utmost unsatisfaction with Weimar Germany and the Republic, following his arrest after his failed attempt with his comrades at the Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923. But Hitler used almost every opportunity he had to his advantage, thus for the need of the creation of his book through his remarkably short stay in prison. This book would essentially become the bible for National Socialism in the Third Reich in Germany. People would follow religiously with over 5,200,000 copies sold alone just by 1939.

Mein Kampf had two main objectives for itself:

  1. Race and Space

  2. Feed and Breed

One, race and space, meant the need for a racial superiority (you guessed it.. the Aryan race), those who are deemed not important should be eliminated.

Two, feed and breed, meant for the need to expand the Aryans, to expand the territories to Eastern Europe.

Moreover, the master race must compete for survival and dominance in competition of survival of the fittest. Those who undermine daily struggle for survival must be eliminated. Except, this normal struggle between peoples occurs through numbers and struggle over control of land (and resources) but Jews lack territory and are small in number; they live off other peoples as parasites draining the national body of its wealth, vitality, etc. So, in other words, we (the National Socialists) must surround most of our soul purpose towards the Jews, without forgetting about the communists, Slavs, Marxists, and so forth.

Soon, or perhaps already, before antisemitism was religious. But now, antisemitism would branch into a racialized hatred. Jews would no longer be solely hated because of their religion, but now because of what they were, because of who they were. Their very existence, as put by Hitler, endangered the future of the Aryan race, thus they must be eliminated as soon as possible.

"The Nazi propaganda machine's transformation of Adolf Hitler from a common German soldier and politician into an infallible, god-like leader greatly boosted sales as well. By the end of 1944, more than 12 million copies had been printed; most of them after 1939," as stated by the USHMM.


According to Hitler, it was “the sacred mission of the German people…to assemble and preserve the most valuable racial elements…and raise them to the dominant position.” “All who are not of a good race are chaff,” wrote Hitler. Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which “must necessarily be a bloody process,” he wrote.

This concludes this blog.

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